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 Berichttitel: Velduil Luifel and protection from wind
BerichtGeplaatst: 11 nov 2023, 23:30 

Geregistreerd: 29 jul 2016, 20:27
Berichten: 24
Dear all,

last summer we have been in Croatia with our Velduil. The first 3 days it was totally rainy there. Basically most of the day.

Our Velduil is extended by the optional Luifel. What so ever as there is no real protection from wind at the entrance, the rain was going under the luifel and quite a huge part was affected i.e. wet.

Are there any options to protect the entrance form that effect? I have found an old post on that topic but could not understand all especially as the picture is no more available

In the velduil we have been using the living room for 2 Kids to sleep, in addition to th einner tent - so it could fit 6 people. Stormvogel to my opinion for 4 is already a bit small.

Therefore, I am also considering to sell the velduil - and may be - to buy an Albatros - but my wife does not like the idea very much.
Hence, I might solve the issue with the entrance by another way?

Do you know about any Ideas?

Coming back to Albatros:
adavantage here is that the albatros is smaller if you do not use the vario Luifel. And the Vario Luifel is much bigger compared to Velduil. In total one would end up with more flexibility.

But as we got the Stormvogel we would use the Albatros only if we go with 4+ Kids -> we would let 2 of them sleep in the living room. Based on the de waard information the living room is like 4 x 4 meters. Means 2 Kids would fit in easily and might occupy only one half, like left or right side of the living room. Would you agree on that or am I wrong?

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