Evening all. Ive had a lot of help here on this forum, so i thought id write up some things that have helped me as a 'newbie' buy a tent through this forum and Marktplaats.
Its a draft at the moment, but i would hope that i can get some people here to review and suggest some edits and changes. Let me know.
Translation settingsFirstly, to easily read the forum and marktplaats, download chrome, go to settings, advanced, languages and check “Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language you read”.
Chrome will think that the forum is an english language site if you have the the forum language set to english, to change this back to Dutch, go to user (on the top bar above), forum settings on the left, then change “my language” to “Dutch (Informal)”
Finding a suitable tentTo search for a tent, the first place to look is in the wiki. The wiki has images and dimensions for almost all De Waard tents. Once you find a tent that you are interested in, use the forum search to look for older threads discussing the tent. Some of the topics may be particularly relevant to you. I have been looking for a ‘weekend tent’ and have shortlisted down to a few tents, searching the forum for ‘Goudplevier’ i found a thread titled “Which smaller tent for weekends?”
Finding a tent for saleOnce you have found the type of tent you want you want to buy, take a look at the “For sale / Requested” section. You may be very luck and find the tent you want in your budget for sale here, but you probably won’t be that lucky! You should also look at the wanted section, you may find a recent wanted advertisement where a number of tents have been offered and are still available. If you are not lucky, i would suggest place your own wanted ad.
The next place to look is Marktplaats, a sort of Dutch eBay. I have found that most dealing is done through communication with the seller as opposed to eBay where the selling is done mostly through bids. One thing to note is that adverts are deleted, so you may want to print the advert to pdf so you can keep a track of the prices of tents you have seen (finding the perfect tent may be a long process).
I have always communicated with the seller via the Martplaats messaging system, and sent the dutch translation along with the English text. Most Dutch speak really good English and the rest of the communications will be in English if you hint that you are not a native Dutch speaker.
I would also not ask if they are willing to send the tent to UK, the tents are very heavy and most sellers assume this will not be possible. Instead ask if they will package for courier, most sellers will do that.
Before you send the money, i would post a link to the tent you wish to buy on the forum. The experienced members may notice something you have missed, or give a good (or bad…) reference for the seller. Again, you may be lucky and the tent is near a forum member that is happy to take a look at the tent. This happened to me (thank you Marlies!) saving a lot of potential risks.
Sending the tent to the UKI have only had to do this once, Marlies used GLS. The maximum package wight is 32 KG, so the larger tents may need to be split over two packages (my Zilvermeew was). The price was €18.95 per parcel which i thought was quite reasonable and the delivery was FAST - the tent arrived the next day in Cardiff which amazed me!
Putting up your tent for the first timeI would suggest doing this in your garden or a park with a friend. Most tents can be put up with one person, but having two makes it much easier the first time.
The first thing i would do is to download the relevant pdf from the wiki and either point it out or have it on your phone / tablet. Also take a look at youtube, whilst your tent may not be on youtube, they are mostly put up the same way (peg out the groundsheet, insert the front poles and erect by pulling the lines forward, peg out the rest of the groundsheet, then peg out the tent, then add awning).
Be very careful that you have put the poles through the right holes, this is where you can really damage your tent so be very careful doing this.. The lines on the rear should be long, and the lines should also run in line with the seams.
Once you are ready to build your tent, you will need to sort out the poles so you know which goes where. My tents had coloured tape applied so i knew all the blue coloured poles went at the back.
Then proceed as the instructions say, again, **
being very careful that you have put the poles through the right holes. **
Once you have your tent up, I would get a glass of your nice Dutch beer, sit in a comfortable chair and admire your handiwork and the beauty if a De Award tent!
Abbreviations on Marktplaats There is some abbreviations i see on Marktplaats that are not picked up by google translate: -
- n.o.t.k. = yet to agree upon / to be agreed on
- n.v.t. = does not apply
- t.e.a.b. = any reasonable offer accepted
- z.g.a.n. - zo goed als nieuw = as good as new
Second Hand Tent Price CalculatorI would first take a look at the older for sale and wanted threads to get an idea for prices.
There is a calculation that has been used that assumes a tent will last for 60 weeks, then takes the higher of
- amount of weeks used
- the age of the tent multiplied by three
and takes of the percentage from the new price.
For example if a tent is two years old and has been used for 5 weeks, then you would round up the 5 weeks to 6, divide the 6 weeks into the life of the tent (60 weeks), and take this percentage (10%) off the new price of the tent. I have created a google spreadsheet that will calculate this for you here: -