Bench schreef:
Hi all,
I’m lucky enough to have a 2014 Stormvogel (hello Barbera if you’re reading this!)
Hi Ben,
good to hear you survived your first storm. We were camping at Vlieland in that same storm and it was a scary one! We had some damage: an older tent, pitched on a dune and the wind on the front for almost 24 hours.
Bench schreef:
The instructions I've seen online for getting the varioluifel into the ‘M’ storm position indicates five pole or guyline attachment points, however mine has seven - is a storm position still possible? In the end I had to unzip ours when windows went over 50mph.
We have had a Roerdomp (same as the Stormvogel but with 2 main poles in stead of 1) and that varioluifel also had 7 attachment points. My son once tried different variations, for some you will need 2 extra (short) poles and/or lines. Hope the pictures help. Just try it out on a sunny and calm day and have fun with it!